Duo & Coaching

  • All of our staff are 2000+ elo players with extensive experience in the competitive League of Legends scene. We have won many cups such as Go4LoL, 4PL and participated in a number of big LAN events.
  • We offer a high quality coaching and duo queue service, giving you vital tips on how to improve as a player and reach your highest elo potential. You choose the roles/champions you wish to learn or improve and we assign you a pro player who has mastered them.
  • You decide your preferred time to play - Just let us know 12 hours in advance.
  • In the first session, we will go through which roles/champions you would like to work on and we will advise on runes, masteries, builds and counter-picks. Once in a game, we can provide tips on how to deal with each situation in order to produce the best results possible.
  • If you have issues during the laning phase, we can offer 1v1 coaching and find out which areas of your play-style need the most improvement.
  • We can also go through some of your replays together and suggest some better choices at each point in the game.
  • At end we would talk what is good about your overall play style, what is not that good and what you should work on in the future so you can improve as a player in general.
  • Teamspeak/Skype is preferred, as this allows us to give you the information in real time. We provide lessons in English but other languages are available upon request.


Type Europe West/East Price NA/Brazil Price
Coaching € 15,00 / hour $ 20,00 / hour
Coaching € 25,00 / 2 hours $ 35,00 / 2 hours
Duo Queue € 10,00 / 2 games (wins or losses) $ 15,0 / 2 games (wins or losses)
Duo Queue € 50,00 / 12 games (wins or losses) $ 75,00 / 12 games (wins or losses)
Duo Queue € 100,00 / 25 games (wins or losses) $ 150,00 / 25 games (wins or losses)


Duoing not avaliable ATM

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